Hotel Transylvania Wiki
Hotel Transylvania Wiki
Your Zing will come, my love. Cherish it. Love, Mommy..
— Martha's final words to Mavis in her 118th birthday present.

Countess Martha Maria Dracula (née Lubov) (1674- 1895) also known as the Lady Lubov, is the late wife of Count Dracula, the late-mother of Mavis Dracula and the late maternal grandmother of young Dennis.

Official Profile[]


Martha was a very beautiful female vampire with wavy shoulder-length black hair and bright blue eyes. She wore a black long-sleeved dress, a black choker, and black shoes.


Martha was known to have been a loving and caring wife and mother who saw her family as one of the most important things. She also appeared to believe in the powers of love and, in her book to Mavis, encouraged her daughter to cherish her love when she found it.

Hotel Transylvania[]

Meeting Count Dracula[]

Love at first bite

The deleted scene Love at First Bite where Dracula meets Martha.

Sometime in the 18th century, while flying in the night as a bat, Martha crashed into another bat, and they both fell to the ground. The bat Martha knocked into turned out to be another vampire, Dracula.

Dracula and Martha instantly felt something for each other and soon became inseparable. They zinged, as Dracula said. They began to date, and soon got married. Eventually, they had a child, a baby girl named Mavis. Her history provides an interesting point of discussion about the differing perspectives of humans and monsters: Jonathan Loughran learned a fairy tale version of Martha's mysterious demise, while Dracula recounts a much more graphic ending to her life. In a more uplifting way, Martha's gift to Mavis inspires her daughter to find her own "zing" and to remind Dracula how important it is to let others into your life.

Hotel Transylvania 2[]

Martha is only mentioned a few times in Hotel Transylvania 2 (the numbers show on how many times she was mentioned).

Martha is first mentioned in a song that was sung by Dracula at Jonathan Loughran and Mavis Dracula's' wedding. She is mentioned for a second time when Dracula urges Mavis to eat Martha's own recipe for Monster ball soup. Mavis accepts it, but she begins to hysterically cry due to her mood swings from being pregnant.

Later, Martha is mentioned for a third time when Drac and the gang take Dennis away in the hearse to teach him how to be a monster, Dennis asks Dracula if he ever misses grandma (in which he means Martha). Dracula tells Dennis that he always thinks about her and that she was his Zing.

Martha is mentioned the fourth time during the family dinner when Linda asks Mavis how she lost her mom and Mavis replies that she was killed by angry humans. Throughout the film, paintings of Martha are shown in the background.

Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation[]

At the beginning of the film, Martha is mentioned when Dracula's friends attempt to set him up with a date and they comment that they don't think Martha would have wanted Dracula to be alone this long. Mavis reminded her father that he hadn't been out of the Hotel since she died.

Martha is mentioned again when Dracula confesses to Ericka Van Helsing that he hasn't been on a date ever since his wife died, which causes Ericka to feel bad for Dracula and ask him how old Mavis Dracula was when it happened, in which he says that "she was just an infant".

Legend of the Lady Lubov[]

Jonathan Loughran once heard about a woman named The Lady Lubov, retelling the story to Dracula about how she met a lonely count and had a child together. However, one night a fire mysteriously destroyed their castle and killed both of them.

Dracula tells Johnny the real story. Dracula tells him that he was the count Lady Lubov fell in love with and that the child they had was actually Mavis Dracula. He tells that the fire was no mystery or accident and the fire was caused by a mob of humans who stormed the castle and killed Martha. However, Dracula was able to escape with Mavis unharmed.


Count Dracula[]

She had loved her fellow vampire husband since they crashed into each other., having felt a "zing at first sight."

Jonathan Loughran[]

Martha never got to meet her daughter's first zing, but after Johnny heard what happened to her, he decided to leave the hotel to prevent Mavis from suffering the same fate as her, due to the history between vampires and humans all together.

Mavis Dracula[]

Martha loved her daughter very much, but she never got to know her well because she died when she was a baby. She did not want her daughter to be lonely so she gave her a book that she wrote about her and Dracula falling in love. "Your zing will come, my love... cherish it." She wanted Mavis to find her zing and Mavis did, but Dracula got in the way. Dracula fixed his mistake and Mavis and Johnny got together. She knew that one day Mavis would soon marry, indicating that she knew that Mavis would be a fearless, headstrong, and yet outgoing only child.

Martha's Birthday Gift[]


Hotel Transylvania - True Love

Mavis reads her 118th birthday present from her late mother

Martha's present for Mavis Dracula's 118th birthday reads:

For your 118th birthday.

Two lonely bats crashed in the night.
They felt a Zing, love at first sight.
They knew right then they would be husband and wife
For a Zing only happens once in your life
Your Zing will come, my love... cherish it.

Love, Mommy


  • The name Martha means "the lady, the mistress" in Hebrew.
  • Martha's surname Lubov (Любовь) is actually a popular Russian female given name, meaning "Love".
    • On the other hand, her title may also refer to medieval Polish castle in Lwow, Wysoki Zamek we Lwowie (modern days Lviv in western Ukraine, Львов in Russian).


  • Like Mavis Dracula, Martha also wore black lipstick with matching nail polish.
  • Martha was a skilled artist and she was good at writing poetry as shown when Mavis showed Dracula her 118th birthday present from Martha.
  • Martha’s design is a homage to the Brides of Dracula from the original novel by Bram Stoker.
  • Martha resembled Vampira, a feminine equivalent of vampiro; vampiress or a female vampire.
  • Martha also resembled Morticia Addams from The Addams Family franchise.
  • There is a deleted scene of the prologue called Love At First Bite for the first film that showed how Martha and Dracula first met and their life from getting married and having Mavis.
  • Ironically, Martha was similar to Queen Athena from The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning.
    • They both loved their husbands so much before they perished (Athena died in a pirate ship collision and Martha was killed by enraged humans). However, both films are four years apart from each other.
      • The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning was made in 2008.
      • Hotel Transylvania was made in 2012.
  • Martha was killed when Mavis was a baby.
  • Because of her death, Martha never met Jonathan Loughran nor her own grandson Dennis.
  • During Martha's death scene in Hotel Transylvania, a torch is seen near her arm, indicating that she may have been set on fire (Even though in the third movie, Dracula saved Ericka Van Helsing by getting set on fire in the scene to get the family heirloom that actually destroys monsters and was still alive).
  • In the book "Drac’s In Love", Martha's hair was brown.




Hotel Transylvania - Love At First Bite - Deleted Scene

Deleted Scene - Martha meets Dracula
